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Celebrating Women's History Month!


In this newsletter: Welcome to Women’s History Month, Community Program Updates, Clinical Updates, Pacific Center Events, News Highlight 


Welcome to Women's History Month!

Welcome to Women’s History Month! The theme for this year, according to the National Women’s History Alliance, is "Honoring Women Advocating for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion," which celebrates women who work to eradicate bias and discrimination from our personal lives and institutional structures in order to pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future. Be sure to keep in mind the dates March 1st, which marks the beginning of Women's History Month as well as Zero Discrimination Day and International Women of Color Day, and March 8th, which is when International Women’s Day is celebrated.


Community Program Updates

Hey youth!


Join us for our Youth Drop in hours from 2-4PM on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month starting March 6th. Come hang out in the youth space and check out our computer, free closet, and mini queer library. Youth and Adult mentors are available during this time to share resources and converse. Snacks are provided.


Email for questions:


Older and Out Calendar of events.

Email for more info. 


The center will be offering peer groups in a hybrid/in-person model.


Clinical Program Updates

Applications for the 24-25 clinical training cohort are live HERE.

Questions? Contact


Graduate level psychology trainees, master's level trainees and associates as well as newly licensed clinicians receive valuable training working with our diverse LGBTQIA+ and QTBIPOC clients.  Our year long program meets all Board of Behavioral Sciences & Board of Psychology licensing laws.  Clinicians in the training program are supervised by licensed clinicians.


Pacific Center Events

Pacific Center has partnered with the West Berkeley Family Wellness Center for a series of workshops on mindfulness, wellness, and healing through art that will run throughout the spring. Our current series Mindfulness and the Science of the Mind runs through March 8th. Click the link to join (space is limited). And look out for the next session, Designing a Medicine Bag, starting March 25th!

Design a Medicine Bag: Join us at the West Berkeley Family Wellness Center for a free, fun, and creative workshop! Discover the art of making your very own medicine bag - a unique accessory for holistic self-care and support.


Artist bio: Keena Azania Romano exercises her creative mind through the exploration of diverse artistic mediums as a way to engage and understand individual and collective purpose. Romano received her BFA from Pomona College then returned to her native Bay Area to pursue a career in the Arts. Her Murals can be spotted from Sacramento, California, to Richmond, Virginia to Oaxaca, Mexico. Inspired by cultural practices, Romano combines spirituality with urban experience to produce work that draws upon the quest for a greater understanding of intersectional beauty in this world. She fuses traditional native arts with contemporary inner-city techniques to reflect a new language that encourages the healing and empowerment process between community members and their environments. Her style is described as “vibrant and insightful”. She aspires to travel and create a colorful trail of art by exploring the modern Diaspora based on her multi-ethnic experience. To learn more and sign up please visit:


Meditative Arts Workshop: Join us at the West Berkeley Family Wellness Center for two part immersive workshop blending art and mindfulness. Unleash your creativity and find inner peace through beadwork.


Instructor bio: Malika Rubin-Davis is a mixed race black woman who grew up in Sonoma County, Ca. She has always had an affinity for arts and crafts. This was supported by artistic parents, Waldorf education and a BA in Visual Art. She worked as an educator in East Bay Public Schools for seven years and is now finding her way as an artist and educator. She teaches Yoga, has shown her paintings in individual and group shows in the East Bay and finds joy in teaching the things that she loves. For Malika, the artistic process is incredibly grounding and helpful, especially with mediums that require repetition. As a child, she could spend hours making friendship bracelets or playing with a bead-loom. As an adult she is self-taught in some beading techniques. She finds the process of making beadwork a beautiful mixture of creative expressions, and meditative repetition. To learn more and sign up please visit:


EARTH~WATER~AIR~FIRE: A 4-week medicine making series connecting humans with each of the healing elements of nature.


**For QTBIPOC and BIPOC with Batul True Heart of Maaso Medicina

In this 4-week series we will make time to presence and connect with one element of nature per week. We will be curious about our emotional well-being as it relates to our relationship with nature. Made of the elements ourselves, we are each an integral part of nature. We will remember our humanness, and our own unique essence, as we transmit it through our medicines.


Instructor bio: Batul True Heart (they/them/theirs), is a 2Spirit, Yaqui~Chicanx~Panamanian traditional healer, community & clinical herbalist, and death companion living on Lisjan Ohlone Land in Huchiun, also known as Oakland, CA.


To learn more and sign up please visit:


Mental Health at the Intersections (MHTI) is a FREE day-long conference for mental health providers and community workers that centers care & support for those who sit at the intersections of race, gender, and sexuality. This year we are focusing on the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ BIPOC youth. There will be workshops for youth ages 11+ and workshops for adults who work with youth. 


Registration has opened, click here!  


Please reach out to our Training Program Manager, Glo Rodriguez at with any questions. We hope you are able to join us.


News Highlight

Comic credit: Leslie Ewing



Your donations help community members gain access to peer support groups and low-cost counseling and mental health support. 


Please click below to give what you can.



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3 days ago

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3 days ago

Çikolata, dünya çapında en sevilen tatlardan biri olarak, binlerce yıldır insanların damaklarını şenlendirmektedir. Kakao çekirdeklerinden elde edilen çikolata, tarih boyunca farklı kültürler ve coğrafyalarda değişik şekillerde tüketilmiştir. İlk olarak MÖ 2000'lerde Orta Amerika'da, özellikle Maya ve Aztek uygarlıkları tarafından keşfedilen çikolata, başlangıçta genellikle içecek olarak tüketiliyordu. Günümüzde ise çikolata, şekerlemelerden pastalara, içeceklerden tatlılara kadar birçok farklı formda karşımıza çıkmaktadır.

Çikolatanın temel bileşeni, kakao, aslında oldukça besleyicidir. Kakao, zengin bir antioksidan kaynağı olup, içerdiği flavonoidler sayesinde kalp sağlığını destekleyebilir. Ayrıca çikolata, serotonin ve endorfin gibi “mutluluk hormonları” üretimine yardımcı olarak ruh halini iyileştirebilir. Özellikle bitter çikolata, bu faydaları daha yoğun bir şekilde sunar. Ancak, çikolatanın şeker ve yağ içeriği de göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, aşırı tüketiminin sağlık açısından olumsuz etkiler yaratabileceği unutulmamalıdır.


3 days ago

Çikolata, dünyada en çok sevilen ve tüketilen tatlılardan biridir. Tarihçesi, eski Meksika uygarlıklarına kadar uzanır. Aztekler ve Mayalar, çikolatayı kakao olarak kullanırlardı. Onlar, kakao çekirdeklerini öğüterek bir içecek yapar ve bu içeceği sadece elit sınıf ve dini ritüellerdeki insanlar için tüketirlerdi. Avrupa'ya çikolata, 16. yüzyılda, İspanyol kaşifler tarafından getirildi. Zamanla şeker eklenerek tatlandırıldı ve bugünkü formuna yaklaşıldı. Çikolata, hem tatlı hem de kültürel bir miras olarak dünyanın dört bir yanında yaygın hale geldi.

Çikolatanın üretim süreci, karmaşık ve uzun bir yolculuktur. İlk olarak kakao çekirdekleri, tropikal bölgelerdeki kakao ağaçlarından toplanır. Çekirdekler, fermente edilip kurutuldukten sonra kavrulurlar. Kavurma işleminden sonra çekirdeklerin kabukları soyulur ve kalan kakao çekirdeği toz haline getirilir. Çikolata üreticileri, bu kakaoyu şeker, süt ve vanilya gibi malzemelerle karıştırarak,…


3 days ago

Çikolata, binlerce yıllık geçmişi olan lezzetli bir yiyecektir. İlk olarak Orta Amerika'da yaşayan Olmekler, Mayalar ve Aztekler tarafından keşfedilmiştir. Bu uygarlıklar, kakao çekirdeklerini kutsal kabul etmiş ve içecek olarak tüketmişlerdir. Aztekler, kakaoyu baharatlarla karıştırarak "xocoatl" adını verdikleri acı bir içecek yapmışlardır. Avrupa'ya ise 16. yüzyılda İspanyol kaşifler tarafından getirilmiştir. Başlangıçta sadece aristokratlar tarafından tüketilen çikolata, zamanla şeker eklenerek tatlandırılmış ve herkesin erişebileceği bir lezzet haline gelmiştir.Çikolata, kakao çekirdeklerinin toplanması, fermente edilmesi, kurutulması ve öğütülmesiyle üretilir. Kakao ağaçları, tropikal bölgelerde yetişir ve meyveleri içinde kakao çekirdeklerini barındırır. Hasattan sonra çekirdekler fermente edilerek aroma kazanır. Daha sonra kurutulup kavrulan çekirdekler öğütülerek kakao likörü elde edilir. Bu likör, çeşitli işlemlerden geçirilerek sütlü, bitter veya beyaz çikolata gibi farklı türlerde ürünlere dönüştürülür. Çikolatanın lezzeti,…

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